Anarkismen har altid været tæt forbundet med arbejderbevægelsen. Fra den Første Internationale til den spanske borgerkrig har anarkistiske tanker fundet deres største støtte blandt organiserede arbejdere, og til gengæld har anarkister anset organiserede arbejdere som værende en af de vigtigste drivkrafter bag revolutionære forandringer.
Men moderne kapitalisme har ændret lønarbejdets natur radikalt, hvilket har skabt store udfordringer for arbejderbevægelserne og deres plads i det revolutionære projekt.
Til denne workshop vil vi præsentere tre talere, som alle har været aktive i arbejdspladsorganisering på gadeplan. De vil præsentere deres egne erfaringer og diskutere sammenhængen mellem dem, den moderne kapitalismes logik og deres forhold til revolutionære forandringer.
Jonas har i mange år arbejdet som maler, og arbejder nu på fuld tid som organisator for Oslo Building Workers' Union. Her vil han fortælle om sit arbejde med at organisere migranter i bygningsindustrien, og om mulighederne for at mobilisere arbejdere inden for fagforeningsstrukturer.
Peter er svejser og aktiv i den svenske syndikalist-fagforening SAC. Han har for nylig været involveret i succesfulde wildcat-strejker blandt jernbanearbejdere, efter firmaet prøvede at udskifte de ansatte med midlertidig arbejdskraft. Her vil han fortælle om sine erfaringer med organisering fra neden.
Carsten er en dansk aktivist med baggrund i BZ-bevægelsen, og har mange års erfaring fra fagforeningsbevægelsen. Her vil han fortælle om mulighederne for en radikalisering af den danske fagforeningsbevægelse.
Workplace organisation
Anarchism has always been deeply connected with the workers movement.
From the days of the First International to the Spanish Revolution,
anarchist ideas have received their greatest support within organised
labour and in return, anarchist have looked towards organised workers
as being one of the chief instruments of revolutionary change.
However, modern capitalism has thoroughly changed the nature of work,
creating great challenges for workers movements and their place in the
revolutionary project. Here, we present three speakers who have all
been active at the coalface of workplace organising. They present
their own experiences of workplace activism, connecting these with the
modern organisation of capitalism and their relation to revolutionary
Jonas has worked for many years as a painter and is now a full time
organiser for the Oslo Building Workers Union. Here he talks about his
work organising migrant construction workers and about the
possibilities for mobilising workers within union structures.
Peter is a welder by trade and is also an activist within the Swedish
syndicalist union SAC. Recently, he has been involved in successful
wildcat strikes by railway workers after the company attempted to
replace staff with temporary workers. Here he talks about his
experience with shopfloor organising.
Carsten is a Danish activist with a background in the squatting
movement and many years experience in the trade union movement. Here
he talks about the possibilities for radicalism in the Danish trade
union movement.
From the days of the First International to the Spanish Revolution,
anarchist ideas have received their greatest support within organised
labour and in return, anarchist have looked towards organised workers
as being one of the chief instruments of revolutionary change.
However, modern capitalism has thoroughly changed the nature of work,
creating great challenges for workers movements and their place in the
revolutionary project. Here, we present three speakers who have all
been active at the coalface of workplace organising. They present
their own experiences of workplace activism, connecting these with the
modern organisation of capitalism and their relation to revolutionary
Jonas has worked for many years as a painter and is now a full time
organiser for the Oslo Building Workers Union. Here he talks about his
work organising migrant construction workers and about the
possibilities for mobilising workers within union structures.
Peter is a welder by trade and is also an activist within the Swedish
syndicalist union SAC. Recently, he has been involved in successful
wildcat strikes by railway workers after the company attempted to
replace staff with temporary workers. Here he talks about his
experience with shopfloor organising.
Carsten is a Danish activist with a background in the squatting
movement and many years experience in the trade union movement. Here
he talks about the possibilities for radicalism in the Danish trade
union movement.